本科 Certificate in Spanish 和 Latino Studies for the Health 和 Human Services Professions

Learn to communicate effectively in Spanish within medical 和 related human-service areas with the 本科 Certificate in Spanish 和 Latino Studies for the Health 和 Human Services Professions 在文理学院. This 18-credit specialized certificate program prepares undergraduate students to meet the unique healthcare 和 social service needs of the Latinx populations in the U.S.

培养口语交流能力, reading comprehension 和 written expression through highly interactive classes. Study essential medical vocabulary 和 Latinx culture as it specifically applies to the delivery of healthcare. Increase knowledge 和 competency in Spanish 和 become equipped with the terms 和 cultural norms relevant within a hospital, 诊所或其他医疗机构.

As the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. 继续攀升, knowledge of the language 和 culture provides the skill sets needed to efficiently 和 compassionately work with the Latinx community. Once students underst和 cultural nuances, they provide more accurate care for Spanish speakers 和 potentially increase efficiencies 和 patient safety across healthcare systems.

Students pursuing the certificate can also participate in study away opportunities, internships 和 departmental events.

类 & 课程

The interdisciplinary curriculum requires six Spanish language courses including four language classes 和 two culture classes from which there are many options available based on your personal 和 professional interests. Students do not need prior experience with the language 和 may begin with introductory level coursework.  课程 offered as part of the curriculum may include

  • 基础西班牙语I 和 II
  • 拉美裔读数, 
  • 中间的西班牙
  • Latin America through Film 和 Fiction
  • Latino Identity in the United States,
  • 卫生专业人员西班牙语

The certificate is awarded at the completion of your bachelor’s program. It cannot be awarded as a st和-alone program of study or after completion of your bachelor’s degree.

Learn more about Certificate of Specialization in Spanish 和 Latino Studies for the Health 和 Human Services Professions courses.



Students pursuing the Certificate of Specialization in Spanish 和 Latino Studies for the Health 和 Human Services Professions are prepared to meet the rising dem和 for bilingual healthcare professionals. They are poised to advance their careers 和 have access to greater job opportunities.

会说一种以上的语言 can set you apart in today’s global job market. It can increase your marketability 和 opportunities for career advancement 和 promotion. Bilingual professionals can communicate with a larger population 和 help increase an employer’s competitive edge. According to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, acquisition of a second language may help improve st和ardized test scores,情况可能会有所改善 内存 和 解决问题 技能.

Additionally, studying a language 和 its culture can help you develop empathy 和 global thinking. It can broaden your perspective 和 help you cultivate a greater underst和ing of people 和, 反过来, 世界. The critical 技能 gained from learning another language are directly applicable to today’s rapidly diversifying world 和 can be used across all fields 和 disciplines.

学费 & 费用

The tuition for this Certificate is based on school or college of your major, program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. Learn more about our tuition 和 fees.

